Club Reopening 2021
Bournemouth Bowling Club
I hope you are keeping safe and well at this time.
As you will be aware the roadmap for the easing of lockdown restrictions enables Bowls Clubs to open from 29th of March for the 2021 outdoor season.
Following receipt of this guidance the Management Committee has agreed that Bournemouth Bowling Club will open for play from the 12th of April unless the Government or Bowls England advises otherwise.
Until further notice the office and changing rooms must stay looked and bowlers will not have access to them.
I am sorry but at this time I have no information about the cafe.
We are waiting for guidance from Bowls England, but any bowling will still be subject to strict guidelines. The Management Committee will continue to review the guidelines regularly in the light of new Government or Bowls England guidance and in the light of any learning on the green.
The next extracts are from the Bowls England document dated September 2020;-
Hygiene. Hand sanitise at regular intervals, especially if you have to touch communal surfaces or equipment. Once you are home, remember to wash your hands thoroughly.
Equipment. Try to avoid using shared equipment whenever possible. If you are sharing equipment, for example jacks / mats, practise strict hand hygiene. Should measuring be necessary, players (or marker if used) must use their own measure.
The following items can be utilised during any session: • Mat • Bowls • Jack • Pushers. These must be cleaned after each session.
Social distancing guidelines should be followed wherever possible.
NHS Test and Trace. The Club will assist this service by keeping a record of all visitors to the Club, and assist NHS Test and Trace with requests for that information if needed. This could help contain clusters or outbreaks.
Once the Club reopens, if you have any feedback or suggestions about the guidelines, the processes and how they are working in practice, please let one of the Management Committee know.
I look forward to seeing you this year.
Contact Information
Kim Hunt
- +44 7795 465777
Find Bournemouth Bowling Club
Meyrick Park Bowls and Tennis Pavillion, Central Drive, Bournemouth, Dorset, BH2 6LH